190 GSM Satin Photo Rolls
A 190 gram high white instant dry satin paper with a special high quality ink receiver layer and double sided polyethylene coating giving excellent photo realistic prints. Suitable for digital photographic and proofing applications.
Manufacturer: SIHL and the range is Rocket Photo Paper PE Satin.
The process behind manufacturing paper is much more complex than most people are aware. Having a high quality ink receiver layer ensures ink hitting the surface is accurate and stays where it is supposed to be. This is vital if you wish to print photo quality images, fine details and smooth half tones. Papers for traditional toner based machines typically have a very flat surface (giving a flat image) unlike high quality instant dry satin papers where the surface is made up of tens of thousands of tiny pyramids. This allows for heavy saturation of ink building layers without the droplets of ink bleeding into one another causing problems like metamerism or bronzing, making colours appear to shift under different lighting conditions or small colour variations being lost completely.
190 gram high white instant dry satin paper will work equally well with dye based or pigmented inks, if you need your photo quality images to be fade resistant we would always suggest using pigmented (see our Z range of machines) where there is no compromise on quality but all the benefits of an ink designed to look as vibrant year after year. When you buy our 190 gsm satin white photo paper rolls you can be assured that tonal quality and dynamic colour accuracy will be highly impressive. Our rolls are also ideal for proofing.
When you buy from a company that actually relies on the products it sells customers can be assured they are getting the best products. Very few of our competitors actually print or even test the paper they sell.
Entwistle Group have been supplying paper in some form or another to designers, architects and engineering firms since 1899. For a mere 60 years we have also been involved in print. We have four print sites in the North West and consume a lot of paper.
We make huge investments in printer hardware to try and produce the highest quality prints for our customers but without high quality paper results are less than impressive. For example we use 190 gsm satin white photo paper rolls to print A1 sized posters. We have tested a number of different 190 gram satin white paper rolls and found SIHL Rocket Photo paper PE satin offers class leading quality.
Providing orders are received before 3pm they will be dispatched for next day delivery to the UK main land. Our online ordering system couldn’t be simpler but if you prefer to talk to one of our sales team and place the order by phone we are here to help.
Customer accounts are available subject to credit checks. There are a number of advantages to setting up an account including 30 day settlement, free delivery for local customers and a dedicated ordering website which lists just the products you order regularly ensuring ordering couldn’t be simpler.
Our knowledgeable sales staff are amongst the most highly trained in the industry and deal with most questions customers have about satin photo paper rolls or any other media. In the unlikely event they can't reply to a query they can ask a member of our print team who will undoubtedly have the answer. Entwistle are justifiably regarded as experts.
If you require any help please call sales on 0161 653 9310